Thursday, April 5, 2012

The State Of College Sports

Last night on The NBC Sports Network there was a special show on called Costas Tonight and they talked about The State Of College Sports, which I think, is the wrong name for the show. The show focused more on college football & basketball then all sport in college. The title of ths ow was The State Of College Sport not The State Of College Football & Basketball. The show talked about Football & Basketball like they were the only sport that are at Colleges/Universities when there is other sports that don't get notice at Colleges/Universities and cause of that they are cut from the College/University so that means, in my mind, more money for Football and/or Basketball. I think that sucks. The one bright spor on the show was that they had Andy Young and one of the guys from the Millersville's Cross Country/Track athlete Michael Parker to talk about Millersville's Men Cross Country/Track program being cut case of, I think, both Title IX & Football & Basketball. I think that if they made a show about The State of College Sport they should talk about all College Sports not just two College/University Sports. Get it right NBC Sports. College Sports is not just Football & Basketball it is all sports at Colleges/Universities.

1 comment:

  1. Football and basketball are talked about because that is where the money is. Look at Marquette, according to their report to the U.S. Department of Education last year the men's basketball team had $15 million in revenue. All of the other men's teams combined had $2.5 million in revenue and some of that was the school giving money to run the teams.
