Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pointer Qualifier

Last weekend I ran the 3K at Pointer Qualifier and for those who don't know that is the Last Chance Meet before Nationals. This mmeet was great cause I saw so many people from different WIAC DIII colleges that I knew along with some Steven Point Alumni Runners came back to run the 5K which was run just after my 3K race. I saw one of my best friends who I haven't see in about 2 years, Corey Towel. Before my race everyone wanted to get in a picture with me and/or I wanted to take a picture of them. I wanted to take a pic of something other then the distance races and distance runners. I had some much fun more then I did at any other meet.

My race there were only 4 runners if you include me as one. There was one Stevens Point Alumni, two Point Runners & Me. Tim Thornburg, Kyle Burkwald & Reuben Frey. I feel like I should have had a Steven Point Singlet on during the race so I could feel like I was more like a Point runner cause I am an honoray Point Runner. The funny thing about the race was the guys and me in the race feel more like family/bros and our race numbers where the numbers that we finished. During the race I knew that I was going to 4th place out of 4th but I didn't care cause I really want to pr of 11:11 and I didn't I got a time 11:23 which is ok with me. I didn't think of this race as a competion I thought of this race as a race /run against family/bros and that was ok with me.

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